ProGP104 (S-layer glycoprotein (138 kDa))
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ProGP ID | ProGP104 (S-layer glycoprotein (138 kDa)) |
Validation Status | Characterized |
Organism Information | |
Organism Name | Methanoculleus (Methanogenium) marisnigri JR1 |
Domain | Archaea |
Classification | Phylum : Euryarchaeota Class : Methanomicrobia Orders : Methanomicrobiales Family : Methanomicrobiaceae Genus : Methanoculleus Species : bourgensis Strain : JR1 |
Taxonomic ID (NCBI) | 1201294 |
Genome Information | |
GenBank | NC_018227.2. |
EMBL | HE964772 |
Gene Information | |
Gene Name | MEMAR_RS02690 |
NCBI Gene ID | 76731121 |
GenBank Gene Sequence | NC_009051.1 |
Protein Information | |
Protein Name | S-layer glycoprotein (138 kDa) |
NCBI RefSeq | WP_011843393.1 |
Sequence length | 773 AA |
Subcellular Location | Surface |
Function | Component of the hexagonally arranged surface layer. High proportion of acidic amino acids and little, or no, sulfur-containing amino acids. |
Glycosylation Status | |
Glycosylation Type | O- (Thr) linked & N- (Asn) liked |
Experimentally Validated Glycosite(s) in Full Length Protein | N78, N294, N383, N412, N568, N325, T326, S327, N188, G189, T190, N307, T386 |
Technique(s) used for Glycosylation Detection | Alcian Blue 8GX and thymol sulfuric acid staining. nanoLC-MS/MS |
Glycan Information | |
Glycan Annotation | 0.8% galactose, 0.3% glucose, and 0.1% mannose. α−GlcNAc−4−β−GlcNAc3NGaAN−4−β−Glc−Asn β−GlcNAc3NAcAN−4−β−Glc−Asn |
Technique(s) used for Glycan Identification | NanoLC-MS/MS analysis, NMR analysis |
Literature | |
Year of Identification | 1994 |
Year of Identification Month Wise | 1994.03 |
Reference | Bayley, D.P. and Koval, S.F., 1994. Membrane association and isolation of the S-layer protein of Methanoculleus marisnigri. Canadian journal of microbiology, 40(3), pp.237-241. |
Reference | Kelly, J., Vinogradov, E., Robotham, A., Tessier, L., Logan, S.M. and Jarrell, K.F., 2022. Characterizing the N-and O-linked glycans of the PGF-CTERM sorting domain-containing S-layer protein of Methanoculleus marisnigri. Glycobiology. |
Corresponding Author | John Kelly |
Contact | Human Health Therapeutics Research Centre, National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0R6, Canada |